Join Us!
Educating and preparing people to succeed in their careers isn’t a one-person job. We’re all in this together.
Founding Members:
The individuals and organizations driving change and moving the LX Consortium forward.
David Waddell
Director, Office of Experiential Learning
Brigham Young University
Todd Polk
UT Design Director
University of Texas at Dallas
Robert Hart
Clinical Associate Professor
University of Texas at Dallas
Toni Boggan
Academic Director, Center for Engineering Design & Entrepreneurship
Gonzaga University
Sue McCracken
Associate Dean
DeGroote School of Business – McMaster University
Arline MacCormack
Associate Director, Experiential Programs
Babson College
Sandy Kenny
Executive Director of UA Eller Graduate Business Consulting
Eller College of Management – University of Arizona
David Comisford
CEO & Founder
Michael Bednar
Academic Director, Magelli Office of Experiential Learning
Gies College of Business – University of Illinois
Andrew Allen
Director, Magelli Office of Experiential Learning
Gies College of Business – University of Illinois
Who Should Join the LX Consortium?
Deans, Associate Deans and Degree Program Directors involved in education innovation
Directors, managers and faculty of project-based experiential learning programs
Directors and Professionals involved in talent acquisition and recruiting
Directors and leaders who manage university relationships
Directors of learning & development
Why Join the LX Consortium?
All are welcome to join our webinar series discussions and to attend our annual summit. We have two membership options: Affiliates and Members.
LX Affiliates (FREE):
LX Webinar Series
LX Insights Articles
Survey Data & Reports
LX Members (FREE):
LX Webinar Series: experts and thought leaders from industry and academia explore challenges facing higher education and talent development and share practical solutions
Insights: timely articles that dive deep into the issues facing higher education and talent development
Member Directory: names and contact information, plus details on the type of programs and topics of interest so you can connect with those running similar programs to yours
Deep-dive Workshops: online workshops that dive into the nitty-gritty of running project-based learning programs. We share ideas, best practices and hold open forum discussions
Resource Library: Members have access to tools, templates, samples of assignments and rubrics, contracts, surveys, and other tools and resources to improve their programs
Discounted LX Summit Registration: Your membership may pay for itself by taking advantage of the Summit Registration discount. Join us each year for our LX Summit
Collaboration Projects: find partner programs to conduct multi-university client projects. Conduct joint research studies and multi-university/company surveys.
Data & Reports: Members and Affiliates will have access to data and reports created by the LX Consortium and its members.
*LX Membership is currently FREE
We understand this is a period of uncertainty and potentially budget constraints. To remove that barrier, we are waiving the LX Membership fee. If your application is accepted, you may join LX for FREE.