We're excited to announce our BYU / LX Consortium 2020 Experiential Learning Summit Series! Starting in September, we will host monthly sessions, speaker series, and panels on select topics. Register here!
Overview of the BYU/LX Summit:
BYU’s Experiential Learning Summit was established in 2019 to support BYU’s Inspiring Learning initiative by providing a forum for faculty and staff to share best practices and learn from specialists in the field of experiential education. This year BYU is partnering with the LX Consortium to host the 2020 ExL Summit Series with the purpose of engaging the broader community of experiential educators in a more diverse and informed conversation. This year the ExL Summit will be a monthly series of conversations, presentations, and panels held on the second Friday of each month, September 2020 through April 2021. Each event will address a current issue effecting the practice of experiential learning.
About the LX Consortium
The LX Consortium is made up of universities and companies interested in making education more real-world, more hands-on and more relevant. Our mission is to help re-design education by making experience the common thread that connects and enhances all aspects of the student’s journey. We help our member organizations create and grow project-based experiential learning programs and integrate them into the design of their educational offerings. More at www.lxconsortium.org.
Summit Dates and Topics
The following topics and subtopics will be highlighted in this summit. Anyone interested in participating as a speaker, presenter, or panelist, please contact the Director of Experiential Learning, David Waddell at david_waddell@byu.edu or (801) 422-6084 or the Director of the Magelli Office of Experiential Learning, Andrew Allen at andrewa@illinois.edu or (217) 300-2405. We invite consortium members to participate in all aspects of the series. For event updates, information, and to RSVP, please visit us at exl.byu.edu.
Dates and Topics
Sept. 11, 2020
Enhancing the Student Experience for Long-term Success
· Managing student teams – organizing, training new team members, managing conflict, engaging the unengaged, etc.
· Clarifying the transferable skills students learn through ExL – helping students recognize the ways their skills can be applied to diverse, multi-disciplinary problems
Oct. 9, 2020
Experiential Learning in a COVID 19 World
· Challenges and solutions to ExL in a COVID world - managing from a distance, shrinking opportunities, maintaining quality mentoring, etc.
· How ExL can enhance the value of a university education given the COVID disruption of the traditional campus experience
Nov. 13, 2020
Demonstrating the Value of Your ExL Efforts
· How can faculty demonstrate the value of their ExL efforts to multiple audiences?
· How do we help students tell their stories?
· Helping students set milestones for success: engaging with faculty and advisors, and planning for careers
· What research opportunities does ExL present?
· How to gain internal buy-in from key stakeholders to build, increase or expand ExL within a school or college
Jan. 8, 2021 Strategic Partnerships and Funding Experiential Learning Activities
· Finding and working with internal and external partners for capstones, consulting and other projects
· Tapping outside funding resources
Feb. 12, 2021
Expanding and Improving Mentoring
· Increasing capacity through use of grad students or advanced undergrads
· Recruiting among specific student populations - minorities, skill sets, commitment level, etc.
· Building a mentor model, training mentors, creating a mentor mindset in faculty
March 12, 2020
Assessing Experiential Learning
· How do we assess disciplinary knowledge and professional skills?
· How do you create an opportunity so that students forget about the grade and focus on the experience?
· How do we assess the long-term impacts of ExL?
April 9, 2020